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Exploring the "Aggregate" Theme, by Elegant Themes



I have to say I’m liking this Aggregate theme better than I expected. Here’s some messing with boxes and such. These are still a bit of a mystery to me but I’m figuring out how to size and align them more precisely than what you can do with the ET tags.

Hm, this is annoying. Can’t seem to keep the box from bumping into the thumbnail image.

An INFO box by default is 100% width. To change its size you wrap it in one of a variety of tags: ONE_HALF, ONE_THIRD, ONE_FOURTH, TWO_THIRD, or THREE_FOURTH.

Many tags are only available in the text editor, unless you type them in yourself. I haven’t noticed yet if that is unique to Elegant Themes but it’s kind of a bore. Some of the tags in the text editor seem quite unintuitive. But the dimension tags mentioned in the box next to this paragraph are only available through the text edit interface, not the visual. I can get used to switching back and forth but I mostly prefer the text editor for most things.

Adding links is not the text editor’s strong suit. To select text and make it a bold-faced link is a two-step process in which you must select the text, make it a link using the link button, then select it again and make it bold faced using the b button. The flow of doing it in the visual editor is similar but a little bit easier on account of not having to either select or work your way around the HTML tags that surround the linked text.

Is It Art?

Is It Art?


Hover your mouse over this text to see what is called a “Tool Tip”.I remember when this sort of thing was considered really high end CSS/HTML trickery. I used to use the OverLib Javascript Library for this stuff.

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