Aggregate Excerpt Formatting Tweak
To make the text of the content in the Aggregate theme more readable I increased the font size from 12px to 15px. In WordPress one might typically do this by setting up a child theme but in the interest of expedience I did it using Elegant Themes’ epanel, which lets you override the default CSS.
I find that it is not always obvious what CSS element one needs to tweak to make a desired change but in this case it’s simple:
The increase in font size necessitates another bit of work. One must create a short excerpt and enable “Use excerpts when defined” on the cpanel. This is because the default excerpt length in WordPress is 55 characters. One can override that 55-character default in a functions.php file using the child theme setup but for sake of elegance (and, again, expedience) I think that manually creating the excerpt is better content.
Automatically created 55-character excerpts end in a drizzle of ellipsis which I find unprofessional.
Additionally, in the case of the Aggregate theme I find that increasing the font size for readability causes it to overflow from the space allotted it on the home page:
Ah, the horizontal line, or HR element. It was considered a joke by web designers when the web was new. I wonder if it still is. Kind of surprised to see it on the default visual editor toolbar for all the ridicule it used to get. It’s not the <blink> tag but it was considered a pretty blunt design element among those I worked with.
This gas station at Queens Plaza has been abandoned for years. I am surprised the overgrowth of weeds and such is no thicker than it is. I think this was a BP station. I seem to remember buying coffee here once. The wood barricade surrounding this space has been a ripe target for vandals. One day this will be erased to make way, one assumes, for more of the much needed luxury housing that is stomping out Queens Plaza.